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Financial Understanding + Responsibility Yields Independence


Finance and Fury will be focusing on helping you define your aims, and increase your knowledge and ability so you can make the best financial choices.

Feb 28, 2020

Welcome to Finance and Fury, The Furious Friday Edition

With the current state of the markets – and the focus only on today's news and short-term cycles - In this episode – we will be looking at economies and markets in relation to Waves and cycles in a complex system –

  1. Like seasons in weather – markets have...

Feb 26, 2020

Welcome to Finance and Fury, The Say What Wednesday Edition. Where we answer your questions.

I'm Louis Strange and today's question comes from Mark.

Hi Louis, I just heard about IBC (INFINITE BANKING CONCEPT) and I would like to know your input on it. They are saying you can be your own bank by setting up a cash flow...

Feb 24, 2020

Welcome to Finance and Fury

Today – going to cover the Central banking playbook in the next crisis – If there is ever going to be one!

Today – was doing some reading so will have a look at some comments from key central banking figures over the past few years – and look at the market implications – as either...

Feb 21, 2020

Welcome to Finance and Fury, The Furious Friday Edition

This week – see what lessons can be learned from - Last week - Story of Financial alchemy in its early days with the SSC bubble

Been many bubbles since then – The Markets have a Cycle to them

  1. History of the last 90 years – exclude wars and a few other drops...

Feb 19, 2020

Welcome to Finance and Fury, The Say What Wednesday Edition - Where every week we answer your questions

Today's question is from James

Hi Louis, Just a question regarding owning your home. Me and my partner would like to eventually own our own home but we are worried about such a large sum of our overall wealth going...