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Financial Understanding + Responsibility Yields Independence


Finance and Fury will be focusing on helping you define your aims, and increase your knowledge and ability so you can make the best financial choices.

Jan 25, 2021

Welcome to Finance and Fury.

This episode on about how to invest in Asian markets and how to avoid some of the biggest pitfalls in these markets – I have covered the Aus market, and the US market in detail, but haven’t covered much on a giant portion of investments that are available – that is Asian markets

  1. Why...

Jan 18, 2021

Welcome to Finance and Fury. Positive wealth mindset, or a growth mindset for your finances

To start with – lets imagine that you’ve hit the lotto jackpot!

  1. Say you win $20m – it is a lot of money – enough for any person to reasonably retire on
    1. So, now that you may be able to be considered FI - what are...

Jan 11, 2021

Welcome to Finance and Fury, I hope you are all going well. Today we will be going through how to avoid financial distractions.

This episode is a little bit of a follow up from the previous - as one of the comments I made was a little oversimplified – that was that if you simply spending less and invest these funds...

Jan 4, 2021

Welcome to the Finance and Fury and the new year, 2021.

  1. Hope the start to the year has been good for you all – as in this episode we will be looking at how to work on your financial goals through the year through turning these into daily habits
  2. Last episode - Stared off with a question; looking back on the year, are...